Thursday 25 September 2014

Web solutions Dubai – Skills And Techniques

Why are websites important?

Web solutions Dubai are the many companies in Dubai which deal with various problems individuals or firms may face while developing a website. In today’s fast track world, people are more aware of the corporate world through the internet. The internet browser is their encyclopedia for knowledge and latest information. Keeping this in mind, it is imperative for all companies to develop websites to keep potential customers and other individuals aware of their activities and future projects.

Websites are also a method for firms to attract public towards their product or service. The internet has opened doors for a new type of marketing called internet marketing or e-marketing. Nowadays, almost all individuals have an access to the internet and companies through innovative and creative ideas, are trying to attract the public towards their firm through the platform of internet. Therefore, the proper development of websites is very important so that customers can easily use and understand the features of the web page.

Skills and techniques:

Companies working in Dubai on web solutions must have certain skills and must follow certain criterion of rules to successfully assist firms with their website problems. These rules are briefed as follows:

1. Understanding the business of the client company:

The first and most important step is to completely understand the business of the client company. This is important because a web site cannot be designed without the proper understanding of the services or product offered by the client company. Once this is done, only then can the Dubai web solutions company decide which information to present on the website and which not to.

2. Identifying target audience:

In this step, the company identifies the target audience of the client firm so that it can attract them towards the website. Not being able to attract the target audience towards the website is a huge problem for the company and this can be solved by web solution companies.

3. Design and development:

Web solution companies must also design the website in accordance with the theme and type of business of the client company.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Why Web Applications Need Vulnerability Assessment?

Web security, a new term in information security as it is expanding with massive growth rate. For a business relying on a website for its online presence if not taking a systematic approach to web security, and running web application vulnerability assessment in particular, may not be able to defend its online boundaries against rapidly increasing attacks. Web-based security attacks cannot be taken casually as they can be a dangerous as another network attack. They can do the same damage to brand integrity by stopping the service for a few minutes to several hours.

An attack on the web - store can cause theft of confidential customer data, e.g., social security number, addresses, billing information and above all credit card credentials. However, web-based attacks can cause billion dollar loss to the enterprise and most of the time leaving it in financial misery.

According to a research study by Gartner estimates that 75% web-based attacks are aimed to hit application layer.

Why vulnerability assessment?

By knowing the heart quenching details, it is now obvious to ensure companies invest in proper protection of website by putting more emphasize on protecting application layer. Here are three important parts which will help you in knowing when, why and where to implement a vulnerability assessment. Most importantly the focus is on why web applications need vulnerability assessment.

Why it is important?

Web Applications Dubai  vulnerability assessment is the route to identify mistakes or vulnerabilities left in application logic, coding and configuration that jeopardize the availability, confidentiality and integrity of business.

For instance, poor input validation errors that can make it possible for the intruder to wreak the expensive system, OR SQL injection attacks can allow attackers to get access to the most confidential data OR attacks on the network allow attackers to change the valuable information such as pricing.

The only way to protect CIA is to conduct vulnerability assessment time to time. This will help a company identify the actual problem area by conducting different assessment tests. It will help to eradicate different types of risks, even at the initial stage. Vulnerability assessment is applied to applications and overall infrastructure. And to do the job more accurately there is a vulnerability scanner that is allowing security experts to have undergone extensive assessment that will surely limit the activity of hackers.

There are special types of vulnerability scanners available for web applications to identify mistakes left in coding, configuration and even in application logic. They have many benefits for the company, especially help security experts in identifying the root cause win short period of time. They have the ability to immediately identify the coding errors for instance string inputs, or failure of filter database queries as these are the loopholes provide hackers to invade into the system and access the most confidential information.

We all understand the importance of web application, but most enterprises forget to do vulnerability assessment letting intruders to access the confidential information.

Friday 19 September 2014

Web Applications-Why Modern Businesses Need Them?

The website is considered as an inexpensive way to communicate and interact with customers and to share business related information. Web applications facilitate different activities a business may need to enhance its growth, to get a product review or simply need customer’s feedback. In order to design a good business marketing strategy, customer feedback is vital as it will help management to understand customer’s prospect about their service and product. Most of the time websites ask for newsletter letter subscription or a form to be filled by the website visitor, what is the core purpose of this? Well, the information is stored and later used by the management to analyze in an intelligent way or to get a new perception about the business.

Why use web-applications?

web applications
Web applications are very important for a corporate website as they will help a business in creating long lasting and profitable relationship with the consumer. The web development industry offers a platform to develop massive web-based applications to interact and serve business customers accessing them from different parts of the world. So, what are these web applications and how they are serving people.

There are different type of web applications Dubai and they are being utilized to do various jobs.

Web browsers and social media applications

Web browsers are a type of web applications that make it possible for people to access data from different websites. There are many browsers available for free such as Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Safari and many more. Modern websites are not only simple pages with some information stored on them, but they are a combination of static and dynamic pages, graphic showcases, interactive design, remotely accessible accounts and much more. Modern web pages are designed to facilitate personal needs of customers and allow them to access and manipulate web content. Modern websites use web browsers as an interface to run client-side scripts such as email based service offered by Yahoo, Hotmail and Google. There are many online websites allow users to store data and remotely access it from anywhere (e, g., Dropbox, social media websites). These web services cannot be accessible if there are no proper applications available. These web browsers are also designed to serve customers with different devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets.

These web applications are designed to support features like request forms, login pages, transaction related requests, general delivery of dynamic content and to offer many other ways to interact with customers. These web applications are developed for mass use and many are available for purchase or there are developers who develop different types of web application for Dubai market. With time, most businesses realize benefits of web based application and they are looking for innovative web applications will serve them in the best way.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Why We Need Responsive Web Design For Dubai Market?

Responsive Design is new way to develop attractive and effective web solutions especially for Dubai market. It is a new design methodology, benefiting businesses and website developers in many ways. Many organizations have already made a shift from traditional design to responsive design, while many are in planning phase. According to a leading Web portal Mash-able 2013 was the year of “Responsive”. According to the website many enterprises has updated their websites to reap all the benefits.
Web Solutions Dubai

Here is a list of benefits responsive design can offer:

Device Compatibility:

One of the most important benefits of responsive design is that it is compatible with every device. It allows a user to view a website from a smart phone or using a hand held device without losing its design. It will help developers to offer one single web solutions Dubai market instead of developing website for different size of websites.

Customer Growth:

More and more people are depending on smart phones or tablets making a space for responsive design that is easy to navigate and stay the same in every device. A website that is easy in navigation can speed up online shopping and satisfy customer’s need in a better way. Customers will trust the website more and will surely comeback.

Increased Sales:

Responsive design is a smart way to attract more customers which obviously bring more sales and profit for a company. A responsive design allows customer to navigate a specific product when they are on the move – there is a big chance that customer will buy the product.

Improved SEO Ranking:

SEO is vital part of a website as it will help a website to appear on top search engine pages. Responsive design will allow people to browse a website from any device, it will surely increase website traffic and improve SEO ranking – because high traffic means high priority in search engine ranking. Search engines especially Google give high ranking to a website which high organic traffic.

Brand Integrity:

A responsive website is what your customers actually want, so believe a fully responsive website can give you an edge over your competitors. It will also improve your brand’s credibility in market and offer sales benefit. A website that is attractive and offer high-tech functionality is itself a great marketing strategy. It will help businesses to grow their customer’s trust.


A responsive website is a website that can be browsed in any device. Images and videos will automatically be adjusted according to device for viewing. It will offer versatility to a website and offer customers an easy way to access it.

Competitive Edge:

Well, a business with ownership of a responsive website surely get a competitive edge because it is possible that your competitor who is not from Dubai does not own a responsive website. It will be a great competitive benefit as your business can grab more customers than your competitors.